Biking and Kayaking Around Chilliwack

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Phone / GPS / Camera...

I have been riding my bike around the Fraser Valley a lot lately which means I am not able to lug my Nikon and assorted lenses around with me. Fortunately, I do have an “old” iPhone 8 which I use to track my rides and surprisingly it also takes fairly decent photos.

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Smoky Morning Skies

With the wildfires in Washington and Oregon pumping smoke into the Fraser Valley, the air quality has been dreadful but we have had some interesting sunrises and sunsets as a result. This snap was from my back porch around 8am looking east towards Mount Cheam.

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Chilliwack Lake

My daughter and daughter-in-law (who are both awesome photographers - & let me tag along with them on their couple’s photoshoot to give me pointers on aperture, shutter speed and ISO settings. I think I learned more from this one afternoon than I did from the Photography 101 class I recently completed :)

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Mount Cheam

Just test driving my new camera with a few snaps of Mount Cheam on this beautiful fall day in Chilliwack :)

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